1. Install SubGit tool according to the Installation guide.

  2. Configure a new Git repository

  3. Import data into the Git repository by the command:

    $ subgit install GIT_REPO 


        GIT_REPO – a path to the Git repository.

    $ subgit import ./project.git
         SubGit version 3.2.4 ('Bobique') build #3670
         Authentication realm: <http://svn.example.com:80> Subversion Repository
          Username [git]: user
          Password for 'user': 
          Translating Subversion revisions to Git commits...
             Subversion revisions translated: 10248.
             Total time: 2 hours 15 minutes 38 seconds.
  4. When the command completed, you can clone your new Git repository and start to work with it:

    $ git clone GIT_REPO WORK_TREE


        WORK_TREE – a path to your working copy.

    $ git clone file:///home/user/repo.git /home/user/repo_working_copy
          Cloning into '/home/user/repo_working_copy'...
          remote: Counting objects: 99, done.
          remote: Compressing objects: 100% (89/89), done.
          remote: Total 99 (delta 51), reused 0 (delta 0)
          Receiving objects: 100% (99/99), 8.96 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
          Resolving deltas: 100% (51/51), done.

    If Git warns you that you are cloning an empty repository and you don't see your files in the working tree, most probably automatic branches and tags mapping didn't work correctly. In this case, mapping has to be set manually, see details on mapping in Branches and tags mapping.

  5. Get support:

    Have you faced with any problems, see the following guide for more details:

Note: no license key required for import!

Would you have any assistance, don't hesitate to contact us at support@subgit.com