Global settings determine the work of the SVN Mirror add-on. The table below describes each group of global settings.

Table 1. Global settings for SVN Mirror

Full Access for Repository AdministratorsSelect this option if you want to allow the users with the Repository Administrator role to perform imports and manage mirrors (set up  or disable mirrors, change mirror settings).
Group-based Access

Select this option if you want to allow the appropriate group of users to perform import or mirror actions. If you select this option:

In the Mirror Group Name field, type the name of the user group which members are allowed to perform imports and manage mirrors (set up  or disable mirrors, change mirror settings).

In the Import Group Name field, type the name of the user group which members are allowed to perform only imports.

Thread Pool SizeDetermines the maximum number of threads for background synchronization and import tasks that SVN Mirror can use simultaneously.
Track Active Mirrors OnlySelect this option if you want to display imports that are currently in process and active mirrors on the add-on configuration page.
Web interface
Use Long Polling

Select this option if you want to enable long polling. If you select this option:

In the Long Poll Interval field, specify the maximum duration of the timeout (in seconds). The value range is 10 to 600.

Older versions of web browsers might not support long polling. Disable this option if you experience issues with updating web pages.

Enable Debug Logging

Select this option if you want to enable debug logging to the global SVN Mirror log file.

The global SVN Mirror log file contains records on general work of the SVN Mirror add-on. It is located at BITBUCKET_HOME/log/svnmirror.log

The individual mirror log file contains records on sync and conversion processes in repositories.

It is located at BITBUCKET_HOME/shared/data/repositories/REPO_ID/subgit/logs/svnmirror.log

Move to  Repository details on the Repository Settings page to watch the path to this log file.

To apply the global settings that you’ve specified, click Apply Changes at the bottom of the page. To restore previous settings, click Revert Changes.