You can specify credentials to log in to a Subversion repository in the following settings:

[auth "default"]
userName =
password =
passwords =
credentialHelper =
subversionConfigurationDirectory =
useDefaultSubversionConfigurationDirectory =

SubGit refers to these settings in the sequence presented below. If some setting is not specified or the credentials fetched from the setting are not valid, SubGit refers to the next one until it is able to log in to a Subversion repository.

  1. The userName and password settings.
  2. The passwords setting that refers to the passwords file for a username-password pair.
  3. A credential helper program.
  4. Subversion credentials cache from the Subversion client configuration directory.

If none of the settings is specified or fetched credentials are not valid, SubGit reports the authentication error.

The userName and password settings

The passwords setting

Using credential helper programs

Using the Subversion credentials cache