On the Connection tab, specify or change the URL to a Subversion directory and the authentication settings to log in to a Subversion repository.

In the URL field, specify the URL to a Subversion directory that you want to import or mirror.

Then, specify or change the authentication settings to log in to a Subversion repository.

To use the authentication data from a Subversion server and credentials cache, select the Use server-side Subversion configuration and credentials cache checkbox. The configuration directory is located at: C:/Users/atlbitbucket/AppData/Roaming/Subversion.

Otherwise, clear the checkbox, and from the Authenticate With list, select the authentication method to log in to a Subversion repository. Depending on the configuration of your Subversion server, you may select:

Specify the required credentials for the authentication method that you’ve selected.

Check connection to the Subversion repository by clicking Test Connection.

Synchronizing with a Subversion repository

In the Poll Interval field, specify the synchronization frequency (in seconds) of your Git repository with the changes from the original Subversion repository.

The default polling interval is 60.

In case you have a lot of mirrors, the default polling interval may cause performance issues.

Set the polling interval to 0 (zero) to disable periodic synchronization and synchronize when pushing commits to a Git repository.

To reduce SVN Mirror resource usage, we recommend you using REST API to invoke the explicit synchronization or install the post-commit hook script on a Subversion server to call REST API. For more information, see the Using REST API to invoke explicit synchronization section.